Student Life
Student Trade Union Committee and Student Youth Organization
Baku Higher Oil School Student Youth Organization.(SYO), It is a student organization that is part of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations Union (ASYOU). The chairman of BHOS SYO is elected for a period of 2 years by voting among the students. The election is held with the participation of a representative of ASYOU and a representative of BHOS. Baku Higher Oil School Student Youth Organization ensures the participation of students in scientific, social and public life, organizes the efficient organization of students' free time, conducts educational activities, and organizes the work of students in administration. It supports the participation of students in the individual grand competitions of the Azerbaijan Youth Fund and in the competition events of the ASYOU.
The Student Trade Union Committee of the Baku Higher Oil School operates within the Republican Committee of the Oil and Gas Industry Workers Trade Union. The chairman of STUC is elected for a period of 2 years. The main activities of BHOS STUC are the effective organization of students' free time, the education of students against bad habits, the organization of events in the field of culture and art, and the organization of sports competitions. The organization provides participation in artistic creativity and sports competitions among students.