
Graduating school with honors and earning 700 points at entrance exams Elmir Akhmedov became BHOS student and Presidential scholar

          – Elmir, please tell us who is Elmir Akhmedov who managed to earn 700 points at the entrance exams?

          – I was born in Russia in 2000. In 2006, I went to the first class of the secondary school №35 in Guba town. In 2017, I graduated from the lyceum named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva in Baku. While at school, I always actively participated in various contests and academic competitions. In summer this year, I took the entrance exams in the first group of specialties.



        – What success you are proud of most of all? 

        – As of today, my biggest success is that I earned 700 points at the entrance exams on May 7, 2017 and then I was honored to become a Presidential Scholar upon an order of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. That day is written in golden letters in my life.  


        – Many of the prospective students earning 700 points shoes to study at BHOS this year. Please tell why you selected the Higher School.

        – To be honest, I did have an opportunity to go to Turkey, Poland or even China, but I wanted to obtain higher education, gain practical skills and experience and start successful professional career in my home country. I realized that I can succeed if I make the right choice, so I selected the Baku Higher Oil School. This is the educational institution, which has created all opportunities for students.


         – Where do you see yourself after the graduation?

         – As you know, both oil and non-oil sector are dynamically developing in Azerbaijan. This gives a chance to all young people to participate in this process, find a place for themselves in one or another industry, and to be able to apply their knowledge and skills. I am confident that I will be a good engineer and an excellent specialist working at a leading oil company in Azerbaijan to serve my country and my people.


         – What is the best motivation for you?  

         – I am motivated when I set objectives for myself and achieve my goals.


         – What would you advise those who want to become students?

         – You know, I think that choice of profession is one of the most important steps in everyone’s life. So, I would advise every prospective student facing such a choice to think of a higher educational institution that can give him or her everything they need to master their profession. Thus, when I decided that I would be an engineer, I selected the Baku Higher Oil School.