
BHOS student for the first time in the history of British University scored the maximum points during examination

BHOS second year student studying in petroleum engineering programme Vahid Mustafayev scored the maximum points during winter term examination on ‘Basics of Engineering A’ which was invigilated by the representatives of Heriot-Watt University, UK, at Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).


Vahid Mustafayev demonstrated the highest result (99%), surpassing all previously recorded results on the mentioned course in the history of both higher educational institutions.


In this connection Alexander Bell, Associate Director of Studies for Engineering School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Teaching and Learning, Heriot-Watt University, UK, cordially congratulated the student while visiting BHOS due to examination session. Accordingly, to Mr. Bell


BHOS student’s success is the reason to be proud of the performance and deserves the respect. This achievement A. Bell evaluated as the result of efforts made by BHOS Professor Siyavush Azakov while instructing and teaching the students.


Underlining the significance of achieved success Heriot-Watt representative awarded Vahid Mustafayev encouraging present.