BHOS Student Joined International Social Project
BHOS student studying in process automation engineering programme Mammad Jabrayilov participated at “Stop and prevent violence against the women” social project held on 22-30 April, 2016, in Spanish Granada with the support of Erasmus+ programme.
During the event dedicated to project BHOS student together with the representatives of diverse countries lived a camp life together with the other people despite of their racial, national and religious belonging. It should be stated that the project realized by “Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad” social group mainly aimed at providing shelter for people especially women and children suffering from family violence, financial hardship, hardship connected with finding shelter and other social problems. The event gathered more than 30 people representing various organizations and groups from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Italy, Spain and UK. The main goal of the projects realized at the camp and directed to women suffering from family violence was to conduct discussions on the topic of violence, making presentations on the issue in question, highly spotlighting social activities drawing attention of the participants to the problem.