
Murad Suleymanli: I selected BHOS without hesitation

Murad Suleymanli was born March 31, 1998 in Baku. Studying at the secondary school he was actively engaged with social activities and he was awarded diplomas and honorary certificates on the part of school management. In 2013 he won the Chemistry Contest held between schools of Khatai district and Baku. He became the third at National level Chemistry Contest having received honorary certificates. In 2015 after finishing the secondary school with distinction and gathering 690 points during the entrance examination by the State Students’ Admission Commission (SSAC) Murad was admitted to study in BHOS petroleum engineering programme. He is also the winner of the Presidential scholarship.


- How did you find the entrance examination? What was your impression before and after the exam?

- The entrance examination ran very smoothly. The conditions provided were very good. Unlike other prospective students I experienced nothing but the feeling of responsibility. Three days that preceded the examination had passed just like three years for me. I was thinking about the duties that I would assume. I felt very happy after the examination because I answered all questions. According to my calculation based on information in “Prospective student” book programme I gathered 690 points and I made certain of this after examination results were published. My gladness became even stronger when I learned that I won the Presidential scholarship. I and my family were particularly glad to realize that our joint efforts were not in vain.


- What were the results of the trial exams? Did you believe you could gather high points during the university entrance examination?

- The trial exam results were lower than the ones gained at the entrance examination. During the last one I gathered 649 points. Despite this my family and teachers expected from me 700 points.


- What should a prospective student do to get more than 600 points and how should the specialization selection be made?

- To my mind two years of hard studies are not enough to gather 600 points. Those who want to demonstrate outstanding results should be hardworking right from the junior classes thus they should study systematically. For this purpose every course material should be thoroughly learned and the knowledge should be tested. Surely prospective students will certainly see the results of exerted efforts.


- Why did you select this very specialization and BHOS? What kind of goals did you pursue?

- Numerous peculiarities of BHOS which distinguishes it from other higher institutions of Azerbaijan always raised interest in me. I selected BHOS without hesitation guided by the advantages like compliance of BHOS education programmes with the ones used by foreign respectable institutions, conducting all courses in English language. I should also stress that students’ social life is also very high at the agenda of BHOS and monthly visits to the museums and theaters can serve as a vivid example. As for the selected specialization multi-faceted and broad nature of petroleum engineering specialization facilitated my decision making.


- What would you advise BHOS prospective students? What do you think about education at BHOS?

- I believe that students who want to study at BHOS are on the right way. I would advise them to improve their English language skills and collect even minimum of information on relevant fields of study.


- Where do you see yourself in future and what are your future plans?

- I see myself as a highly qualified specialist in petroleum engineering sector, and through my profession I will worthily serve my home country.

- What do you do at your leisure time? Do you have any hobby?

- Although I always gave preference to technical sciences I also take interest in humanitarian subjects. For instance I am interested in the history of Azerbaijan and prominent historical figures. I like reading fiction in English and Azerbaijani languages. My favorite pastimes of summer are swimming and playing basketball.