Huseyn Najafov: My goal was to be BHOS student
Huseyn Najafov was born 7 September, 1998 in Jamaldin village of Julfa region, Nakhchivan. He graduated with the gold medal secondary school №12 named after Afiyaddin Jalilov in Nakhchivan town. Having gathered 695 scores during the entrance exam organized by the State Students’ Admission Commission (SSAC) in academic year 2015/16 Huseyn was admitted to study in BHOS process automation engineering programme. He is also a winner of the Presidential scholarship.
Started with the gold medal of the secondary school, continued with Huseyn’s becoming the winner of the Presidential scholarship of BHOS, student’s success would certainly guarantee his further progress.
During conversation with Huseyn we asked him about the entrance exam’s running, the secret of success and his impression on the student’s life. The first question was about the entrance exam.
- Huseyn how did you find the entrance exam? What are your impressions before and after exam?
- For me the entrance exam was better than I ever expected. I was not nervous as I was aware of what kind of questions I would encounter judging by the trial test questions by the SSAC I thoroughly learned. After the exam my teachers checked my questionnaire book. Till English language questions everything was fine. I made one mistake on the test question I laid aside to look at the end of exam. Despite this I was quite happy with the results.
- What about trial test results? Did you believe you could gather high scores during the entrance exam?
- Based on the course I studied and SSAC trial test the highest score I ever gathered was 695. That is why the results of the entrance exam did not surprise me.
- What should prospective student do in order to gather more than 600 scores and how should he or she do specialization selection?
- In my opinion student should know his weak points. And in order to find out and remove them he should make a lot of tests. As for specialization he should think about his future job and work with enthusiasm to achieve his goal.
- Why did you select BHOS and your specialization? What goals guided you in your selection?
- My keen interest in technologies and my desire to be highly qualified specialist were enough for my selection BHOS. That is why since the day of establishment of BHOS I cherished hope to study in BHOS process automation engineering programme.
- What would you advise to prospective students of BHOS? What do you think about education process here?
- I would tell prospective students that no matter what specialization they choose they should improve their English language proficiency; they should be computer literate and they should constantly enlarge their world outlook. BHOS prospective students should be ready for temporary difficulties not forgetting that they would certainly be rewarded for hard work. So that they should master computer related knowledge, English language and the knowledge related to their specialization.
- Where do you see yourself in future?
- I see myself as the engineer in the field of my future specialization and the future inventor.
- What is your attitude towards other sciences and literature?
- At leisure I do some online researches on technologies and play virtual football with my friends. I am fond of geography. I also like reading detective stories.