High-scoring entrant: ‘My father also wanted me to become a BHOS student’
Muraz Yusifov is a graduate of Baku Chemistry and Biology-oriented Lyceum. He is one of the entrants who scored 400 points (685 points in total) in the first group block exams. He scored the 4th highest score in the first group exams. Muraz Yusifov's dream was to become a student of Baku Higher Oil School. To achieve this goal, he prepared seriously for the entrance exams.
“BHOS is a very prestigious university. It closely cooperates with a large number of local and foreign companies, therefore, all students of this university are provided with jobs upon their graduation. It was my father's dream that I would study at BHOS. When going to his work, my father often passed by the university’s campus and met students there. After speaking with the students about BHOS and reading information about it in other sources, he realized that Baku Higher Oil School is a very prestigious university. I myself was thinking about entering BHOS and I was very happy to learn that my father also wanted me choose this university. This gave me an incentive to prepare seriously for the entrance exams. I composed a schedule, according to which I did lessons and had a rest. I take a strong interest in information security. I advise entrants to believe in themselves, work hard and never give up.”