The 1st European Games will demonstrate Azerbaijans power.
Elmar Gasimov
The Rector of Baku Higher Oil School, Member of the Political Council, New Azerbaijan Party.
1. Mr. Gasimov, we are on the eve of May 28th, the Republic Day. What is the historical importance of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic having a glorious role in the history of Azerbaijan?
On May 28, 1918, Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), the first democratic republic in the Orient was established. ADR, the logical outcome of the national freedom movement having a remarkable role in the history of Azerbaijan and contemporary statehood, became the fundamental of the perspective development of the XX century Orient in terms of the national statehood traditions. It has proved to be the pioneer of the Moslem Orient due to its statehood fundamentals and implemented democratic reforms. Although it could survive for only 23 months, ADR could play a significant role in a large geographical area and pave the way for enriching the basis of modern statehood.
In fact, ADR was established during tough historical conditions and in a sensitive geopolitical location. All these kind of reasons impeded ADR to maintain its independence. However, a great number of historically critical activities and extreme reforms have been implemented by ADR during its 23 months of existence. As I’ve already mentioned, the main factor was enrichment of the foundations of our statehood history. The National Leader Haydar Aliyev emphasized that today’s Azerbaijan is the successor of ADR established in 1918. From this perspective, every achievement of Azerbaijan reflects the traditions set up by ADR integrating statehood traditions with contemporary values.
In order to understand the importance of the activities implemented during that period I would like call your attention on a number of aspects. During those times, Azerbaijani women were given the right to elect and to be elected, which was quite a forward-thinking action. Moreover, the fact that the ADR Parliament passed the order for establishing Baku State University on September 1, 1919, was of an utmost importance and a critical historical service of the ADR founders. On the other hand, Azerbaijani language gained a legal status, while the decision was made to apply Azerbaijani language at all government institutions, including the judicial system. On June 26, 1918, the government passed an order on establishing the independent division of the first National Army. In addition, on December 7, 1918, the Parliament held a ceremonial opening event, which was the first parliament formed based on the most advanced democratic principles of those times in the whole Moslem states of the Orient. Alimardan bay Topchubashov was elected the Head of Parliament, while Hasan bay Aghayev became his First Deputy. The decisions made by the Parlament had historical contribution to formulation and improvement of the national statehood fundamentals.
2. What could say about the dynamic development of Azerbaijan, the successor of ADR?
- It goes without saying that it was not easy for Azerbaijan to reach the current development level. Azerbaijan had to overcome significant challenges after gaining its independence. To be more precise, the period from 1991 to 1993 turned out to be a very complex historical period for Azerbaijan with a number of challenges such as civil clashes, economic and political crisis, international isolation, Armenian aggression, etc.). Due to Armenian aggression on one hand and local anti-national movements by some groups on the other, Azerbaijan was even running the risk of losing its independence. The lack of political skills of the government ruling the country during that period ran Azerbaijan into difficulties.
Fortunately, the National Leader Haydar Aliyev regained his power due to people’s continuous insistence and the country could overcome the risk of breakdown and moved forward to progression and prosperity. The National Development Strategy was defined, economic development fundamentals were formulated, and Azerbaijan’s regional and international role was strengthened. Today, recalling the National Leader we may conclude that each aspect of Haydar Aliyev’s decisions catered for the national, state and social welfare, as he demonstrated tremendous efforts to ensure the unity of the state and nation, strengthen the independence of the country, facilitate its development and improve the citizens’ welfare. The number of the achievements gained against the background of the policy initiated by the National Leader can be enumerated continuously. But the reality is that Haydar Aliyev, in the true sense of the word, made Azerbaijan an independent country and ensured its eternity.
The policy initiated by the National Leader Haydar Aliyev is successfully continued and developed by President Ilham Aliyev. The effective national and international policy pursued by the President, a successor of the National Leader, are backed up by Haydar Aliyev’s ideas, and today’s dynamic development proves that the defined strategy is based on the national interests and will. I would like to emphasize that the national and international policy is grounded on the principles of independence and sovereignty. Azerbaijan is able to make its own choice in terms of its foreign political relations, as well as political, economic, military, humanitarian and other partners, partner countries and international organizations. As the single owner of its national resources Azerbaijan grounds on the national interests and mutual benefit principles when implementing cooperation with its energy partners. Meanwhile, our today’s economic power enables the government to minimize the risks of the rapid global market changes and crises. Azerbaijan’s economy constituting over 80% of the total economy of the South Caucasus is leading in the region. Stable public income and social and political stability is ensured. All these factors enable Azerbaijan to develop and prosper confidently.
3. Mr. Gasimov, Azerbaijan is going to host an important international event, the 1st European Games. It would be interesting to have your opinion about the significance of Baku 2015 European Games and its benefits for Azerbaijan.
- As a country facilitating international dialogue and partnership Azerbaijan has a great and successful experience of hosting a cluster of important political, economic and humanitarian events. Generally, I would say that international community demonstrates great interest to Azerbaijan, which is also the result of the geographical importance and the fact that we are situated in the crossline of the Eastern and Western civilizations. Moreover, the stability, development and the democratic environment enables the country to become an active initiator of the international political, economic and humanitarian dialogue and the recent years have turned to be extremely successful for Azerbaijan as a Center for cultural and humanitarian dialogue.
In the truest sense of the word, Azerbaijan’s independence is fully recognized by the independent members of the international relations system, and our achievements are highly appreciated. Azerbaijan’s non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council in 2011 supported by 155 states, its successful leadership of the council twice and chairing of the CoE Cabinet of Ministers reflects the increasing political prestige of the country. Today, Baku has become the political, economic and cultural capital of the Caucasus.
On the other hand, strong local infrastructure enables Azerbaijan to host essential international events and the fact that the relevant institutions trusted Azerbaijan to hold Baku 2015 European Games. That is to say, the ambition and official candidacy to organize such an extremely sports event are backed up by Azerbaijan’s development, modern infrastructure, as well as security and stability aspects. Besides, it demonstrates that Azerbaijan is considered as a well-recognized and equal member of the European Family.
Moreover, due to the strong sports infrastructure created within a short period of time and the fact that Azerbaijan could become one of the leading countries representing global Olympic Movement, our country could formulate a specific model. Azerbaijan became one of the leading European countries with contemporary sports infrastructure which will be reinforced with the help of the government policy. Thus, it is not a mere coincidence that Azerbaijan was trusted to host the games. Let me underline the fact that our country successfully and rapidly implemented all the preparatory work to organize the event at the highest level and for sure Azerbaijan is completely ready for the European Games.
As mentioned before, a wide range of activities have been implemented to prepare for the European Games by Baku 2015 1st European Games Organizing Committee led by First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, an MP, the President of Haydar Aliyev Foundation and Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO. Apart from underlying the importance of the European Games to be held in June, the representatives of the European sports community highly appreciate the work done by the Committee.
As regards the importance and benefits of the games, I would like to focus on a number of specific points. Firstly, apart from its significance in terms of increasing the international promotion of Azerbaijan’s values, it will doubtlessly bring certain economic benefits to Azerbaijan. Thus, it is be worth to mention that the sports infrastructure and facilities will be eventually used by local people in the future.
Besides, the European Games bear even more significance for promotion of the tourism potentials of the country. Azerbaijan possesses great tourism potential. While various touristic sectors are developing rapidly, a great number of high quality accommodation facilities were built in Baku and the regions. A large number of tourists are expected to come to Azerbaijan during the games. We expect to benefit greatly from the broadcasting and tourist costs. The income will not be limited by the expenditures spent by the incoming tourists only during the games, since the guests will have an opportunity to get to know our country’s touristic potential and attractions better and eventually would like to come again. Therefore, the 1st European Games can be considered as a profitable project for Azerbaijan.
The games will be a remarkable event in the sports history of not only Azerbaijan, but also the whole Europe, additionally demonstrating Azerbaijan’s power.
4. On the eve of the European Games, certain anti-Azerbaijan and pro-Armenian groups, as well as the fifth column conduct smear campaigns against Azerbaijan.
- We have been witnessing such campaigns against Azerbaijan, a country having dynamic development, political and social stability and high-level international recognition. Specially, certain people, including pro-Armenia groups who cannot accept Azerbaijan’s achievements pursue a black PR to sully the country’s reputation and formulate wrong international public view propagating false statements and opinion. If you remember, during Eurovision 2012 Song Contest we encountered such challenges and all those groups, including the members of the fifth column were quite active in this regard. Although this is quite an upsetting situation, we are not very much surprised about that.
In general, the efforts taken against Azerbaijan are the result of the failure to accept Azerbaijan’s independent policy and political will. I would like to recall a moment. Back in 1994, when the Contract of the Century was to be signed, some external groups tried to commit coup-d’état in order to bring pressure and push the country into chaos. However, the National Leader Haydar Aliyev’s tremendous efforts helped to prevent such destructive actions and facilitated successful integration of the country in the international arena. Namely, because of the failure of such negative measures, pro-Armenian forces and anti-Azerbaijan groups try to bring pressure on our country using black PR and propaganda. Today, such elements are obvious, but they will definitely have no effects. Azerbaijan develops confidently and dynamically under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, while its international status is reinforcing sustainably.