
General Information

The main mission of the oil and gas engineering specialty is to train personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills in the oil and gas industry and to achieve high results, such as educating the next generation of the country. The oil and gas industry plays a leading role in the country's economy. Azerbaijan is included in the list of the best countries with large hydrocarbon reserves, developed and produced. Therefore, the oil and gas sector of the country's economy is always in need of highly qualified specialists.

On May 31, 2012, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a special permit (license) to Baku Higher Oil School for the training of specialists at the bachelor's level in Oil and Gas Engineering. In the same year, the Peroleum Engineering Department was launched at the High School.

Training in bachelor's and master's degree programs in oil and gas engineering is conducted based on a curriculum developed by Heriot-Watt University in the United Kingdom. Professional teachers and representatives of industrial enterprises are involved in the training of specialists.

Oil and gas engineering program prepares specialists for the educational program at three levels: bachelor's, master's and doctoral. Starting from October 2020, students have been enrolled in the additional education program.

Learning outcomes

  • Create new knowledge, establish communications and conduct research for the development of society
  • Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying the principles of engineering, science and mathematics
  • Ability to work in disciplined teams
  • Understanding professional and ethical responsibility 
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Ability to apply engineering knowledge to produce solutions that meet specific needs, taking into account public health, safety and well-being, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors




There are 5 laboratories at the Peroleum Engineering Department. Laboratories specializing in Oil and Gas Engineering, Drilling Engineering, Layer Engineering -1 and Layer Engineering-2, Hydraulics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Oil and Gas Geology Laboratories are equipped with laboratories for the application and modeling of oil and gas fields using Eclipse and Petrel programs.

Laboratory classes are conducted in these laboratories according to the curriculum.






BHOSE closely cooperates with industries. The university has significant experience in manpower development both nationally and internationally.

The Petroleum Engineering Department actively cooperates with many large oil and gas companies of the country, involving them in the development of curricula for educational programs, the organization of student internships and employment of graduates. Students of the department are active members of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Experienced specialists from SOCAR, BP, TOTAL, Halliburton, Schlumberger regularly organize lectures and trainings for BHOS students on topics related to the extraction, transportation and refining of oil and gas. The companies are also involved in organizing internship programs for senior students of the university during the academic year. Graduates, who are always in demand in the labor market, successfully meet the needs of employers in the oil and gas industry.