Starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, Baku Higher Oil School has been admitting students to the master’s degree program in "Petrochemistry" based on a curriculum jointly developed with the Y.H. Mammadaliyev Institute of Petrochemical Processes under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This educational program has been designed to meet modern requirements in the petrochemical field and aims to equip future specialists with advanced scientific knowledge and practical skills.
Within the framework of the program, students gain extensive knowledge in areas such as petroleum product processing, integrated technologies for oil and gas utilization, solutions to environmental issues, the application of nanomaterials, advanced thermal processes for obtaining petroleum products, conservation liquids, and the use of corrosion inhibitors. The curriculum also provides opportunities for master’s students to gain practical experience in laboratories that meet international standards.
The "Petrochemistry" master’s program opens broad perspectives for future petrochemical specialists, preparing them for both local and international labor markets. The curriculum is designed to combine theoretical knowledge with practical training through scientific research and hands-on approaches, enabling students to become well-prepared professionals capable of solving current issues and implementing innovative technologies in the oil and gas industry.
- Preparing specialists in line with modern challenges: The program is structured based on innovations and technologies in the oil and gas industry.
- Promoting research-oriented development: It aims to enhance students' abilities to solve modern scientific problems and encourages them to engage in research activities.
- Meeting future industry demands: The program trains professionals in integrated oil and gas processing, environmental problem-solving, and productivity enhancement.
The BHOS "Petrochemistry" master’s program provides students with extensive opportunities to compete at an international level. Graduates of the program not only gain significant prospects in the oil and gas industry but also develop as specialists capable of offering innovative solutions in the engineering field. Furthermore, students acquire the essential knowledge and skills to pursue academic careers or conduct advanced research in the industry. This program was established to address contemporary challenges in the oil and gas industry, promote innovation, and contribute to the development of a new generation of specialists.