BHOS Alumni

Success stories

Elnara Rustamzada

Petroleum Engineering, 2019 graduate

- Why did you choose BHOS? Is there anything you would like to highlight regarding your experience at BHOS?

To be honest, at the very beginning I did not know exactly what kind of surprises are waiting for me, just like most of the students collecting high scores I wanted to choose the best option. During my 7 years in BHOS, I found a great education level, honesty, positive staff, and eternal friends. 

- What is the most valuable lesson you have learned during your studies at  BHOS? How do you apply it in your daily life?

Within my bachelor's and master’s degrees, a list of very valuable classes was covered by smart professors and industrial experts, which is great fundamental for my Ph.D. and future career. With the help of BHOS education, I was able to have internships and trainings in international companies.

- Can you please tell us briefly about postgraduate study?

Right after graduation from my bachelor's, I started my master’s at BHOS together with a teaching assistantship. Within those two years, I worked with amazing staff or I should say a family, which made me love teaching and motivated me to be one of the best specialists of my major. Currently, I work as a Graduate Research Assistant on a Geostatistics, Data Analytics, and Reservoir modeling project at the University of Texas at Austin as a part of my Ph.D.

- Do you feel that BHOS well prepared you for the position?

I was able to get admitted to the best petroleum engineering program in the world to pursue my Ph.D. with the help of good time management and years of hard work at BHOS. 

- Would you want to share any tips or advice with students interested in applying to BHOS?

I would like to tell that education is the most powerful weapon. Try to learn new skills and improve yourself regularly. And do not forget that you are the one setting your limits. Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits!