Student Life
Football Club
The Football Club, one of the first student clubs established at the university, was formed from amateur students. The club regularly organizes intra-university tournaments and competitions.

The Table Tennis Tournament, held as part of the Sports Spartakiad dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS), ended on March 9, 2022.
Like other sports events dedicated to the 10th anniversary of our university, the Table Tennis competition was met with great interest by students.
The opening ceremony of the tournament took place on 17.12.2021 at 12:00.
78 students, including 12 female students, had registered for the competition. 8 male and 2 female teams took part in the tournament to determine the 2 strongest tennis players of each team.
Taliya Mammadhasanzade, a 4th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department, and Chichak Bayramova, a 5th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department, competed with Guler Hajiyeva, a 5th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department, and Elvina Aliyeva, a student of the Preparatory Course, in the female finals for the top 3 places. Chichek Bayramova and Elvina Aliyeva won the matches.
The 16 male students who had advanced to the next stage competed on February 25 in the 1/8 finals and then in the 1/4 finals.
The matches between the 4 students - Farid Jafarli, a 4th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department; Stephen Ukaiwe, a 4th year student of the Petroleum Engineering Department; Mirkazim Agayev, a 3rd year student of the Chemical Engineering Department; Jahid Ibrahimov, a 3rd year student of the Chemical Engineering Department; - who had advanced to the semi-finals, were determined by lot drawing.
Stephen Ukaiwe and Mirkazim Agayev, who had defeated their opponents, met in the final. The match ended with Stephen Ukaiwen defeating Mirkazym Aghayev by a score of 3-2.
The results of the Table Tennis Tournament dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Baku Higher Oil School are as follows:
- 1st Place: Chichak Bayramova, a 5th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department
- 2nd Place: Taliya Mammadhasanzade, a 4th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department
- 3rd Place: Elvina Aliyeva, a student of the Preparatory Course
- 1st Place: Stephen Ukaiwe, a 4th year student of the Petroleum Engineering Department
- 2nd Place: Mirkazim Agayev, a 3rd year student of the Chemical Engineering Department
- 3rd Place: Farid Jafarli, a 4th year student of the Chemical Engineering Department
The Female Volleyball Championship, held as part of the Sports Spartakiad dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS), ended on December 19, 2021.
Volleyball has become one of the most popular sporting events among students. The Female Volleyball Championship dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Baku Higher Oil School was held for the title of 10-year champion.
The opening ceremony of the Volleyball Championship took place on 21.11.2021 at 12:00. A total of 5 teams had registered for the championship.
The “Chemballers Last Dance” team withdrew from the championship, reducing the number of teams to 4.
Due to the small number of teams, the championship was held as a league tournament.
By the end of the competition, ChExane had earned 6 points, Sharp Spikers - 4 points, Chemvoll - 3 points, Vollenengineers - 0 points.
The results of the Female Volleyball Championship dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) are as follows:
I place: the ChExane team, 4th year students of the Chemical Engineering Department
- Taliya Mammadhasanzade - Captain
- Jala Aliyeva
- Afaq Hashimova
- Narmin Aliyeva
- Nigar Bagyrzade
- Bicha Azizova
II Place: the Sharp Speakers team, 4th year students of the Petroleum Engineering Department
- Turan Safarova
- Surayya Yusifova
- Sona Hamzayeva
- Saadat Nematli
- Samra Manafzade
- Aytan Nabiyeva
- Gulyaz Huseynova
III place: the Chemvoll team, 2nd year students of the Chemical Engineering Department
- Laman Talibova
- Gunel Atakishiyeva
- Gunel Abdullazade
- Gulnur Mammadova
- Ilhama Mehdizade
- Nazrin Fatullali
- Turkan Zeynalzade
- Firangiz Suleymanov
Breast stroke style:
- 1st place: Yusif Abbasov, a third year student of the Petroleum Engineering Department
- 2nd place: Rashid Yusibov, a third year student of the Chemical Engineering Department
- 3rd place: Azer Verdiyev, a student of the Process Automation Engineering Department
Free style:
- 1st place: Mirhuseyn Abdullazade, a first year student of the Computer Engineering Department
- 2nd place: Khayal Hasanli, a third year student of the Process Automation Engineering Department
- 3rd place: Aykhan Alizade, a third year student of the Chemical Engineering Department