BHOS and Confidence Capital signs a Cooperation Agreement
Within the frame of the VIII Caspian Oil and Gas Trading and Transportation Conference organized in Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) and Confidence Capital signed a Cooperation Agreement.
The objective of the Agreement is to collaborate in terms of organizing joint seminars, conferences, winter and summer schools, internship programmes, re-training and in-service training courses on advanced energy technologies and developments in Baku and London, as well as support distribution of information and knowledge among relevant public agencies, companies, corporations, education and science centres, NGOs and students.
The Conference jointly held by BHOS and Confidence Capital with the support of SOCAR on 9-10 April 2015, is dedicated to the 92nd Anniversary of the National Leader Haydar Aliyev. The event will be a good platform for dissemination of the information about the success of Azerbaijan’s Oil Strategy facilitating networking among the attending specialits.