BHOS presented its Biometric Electronic Registration System
Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) presented its Biometric Electronic Registration System.
The event was attended by the administration, faculty and students of BHOS and the representatives of REN LLC.
Opening the event Rector Elmar Gasimov underlined that in accordance with Article 3.2.23 of the Regulations on Organization of the Education Process in Bachelor and Master Levels Based on Credit System approved by the Cabinet of the Minister’s Order number 348, dated December 24 2014, the students with more than 25% absence data on a specific course will not be allowed to take the final exams, noting that the attendance marks per semester would also be taken into account. He underlined that BHOS is the pioneer higher education institution applying this kind of electronic system in Azerbaijan.
The Rector emphasized the advantages of such a system that helped to avoid the time loss in terms of paper registration available in other national universities, adding that application of this system at BHOS would ensure more operative, objective and transparent education process. Briefing about the system he explained that the system worked based on students fingerprints while the tourniquet and the biometric equipment are directly interconnected ensuring reliable and transparent attendance control.
Elnur Safarli, the Manager of the Biometric Electronic Registration System Project and BHOS E-Training Department specialist, presented the system talking about its operation principles, structure and influence on the training process at BHOS.
The Presentation was completed by the Q&A session.