ICT Training for Youth conducted at BHOS
Two-day training course was conducted at Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) in the framework of 8th grant contest organized by Youth Foundation under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic. It was entitled “ICT Training for Youth” and was held by the contest winner, Senior Lecturer of BHOS’ Process Automation Engineering Department (PAE) Abbas Alili for pupils of eight and nine grades of Bilesuvar lyceum school complex named after Mubariz Gurbanov and of the lyceum named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva.
The main objective of the training was to raise schoolchildren’s interest to electrical engineering, electronics, robotics, and automation engineering. They also were acquainted with technological devices made by PAE second-year students of BHOS. In addition, they participated in the familiarization tour to the Higher School, which was organized by the Head of the BHOS’ Student Affairs Department Habiba Sadigli. Upon the training course completion, the schoolchildren received certificates of participation. They were also presented with ARDUINO Uno gadgets.