BHOS student is the best
Student of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) Elchin Allahverdili became one of 60 students winning the first stage of the contest conducted by “eProject Group”. In total, more than 300 students participated in the tour. At the second stage of the contest, when those 60 students made Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, he gathered 86 points out of the 100 greatest possible pointes. He came third out of 10 students who managed to enter the final stage of the contest.
At the final stage, the finalists made presentations for audience and a jury, which evaluated the works. Professional manager, business consultant and advisor Fahri Agayev, Head of the BeSmart.Az company Mushfig Gasanov and Communications Consultant and Public Speech trainer Rashad Bayramov became members of the jury.
Speaking during the stage of the contest, Elchin Allahverdili made a presentation entitled Abortion and Struggle against it and earned the sympathy both of the jury and the audience. He gained the most possible score, came first and became the winner of the contest. Elchin Allahverdili was awarded with Jobs’ Cup, 500-manat education voucher and a special diploma. Speaking at the awarding ceremony, he emphasized that computer knowledge and presentation skills gained during studying the Introduction to IT course for Foundation Students at BHOS significantly helped him succeed in and win the contest.