Prospective student who selected BHOS: I achieved my goal
Zaur Qurbanli was born 1998 in Baku. He studied as a secondary school student at ‘Zangi’ lycée of Nizami district, Baku. Accordingly to Zaur at school he most of all progressed in math. This can be explained by the fact that his grandfather, uncle and aunt are mathematicians. Finishing school with distinction and scoring 690 points during the entrance examination on the first specialization group Zaur selected process automation engineering specialization of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).
Zaur, why did you selected this specialization?
I think I am very computer literate, therefore this specialization is more interesting for me. Computers interested me since my childhood. I could played various computer games. As I grew older, this interest grew accordingly and I see myself engaged in this specialization.
What else is included in your interest circle?
I do like movies. I liked them even as a child. I prefer dramas and comedies. When I was preparing for the examination, I sometimes watched movies. My favorite actors are Jim Carrey, Leonardo di Caprio and Bradley Cooper. I did not like literature so much.
How can you explain selection of BHOS?
My scoring high points and opportunity to continue master level education abroad arose interest in BHOS in me. This is why this higher educational institution is different from the others. At other higher schools students who score high points and the ones who fail to score more study together, however BHOS gathers only high scoring students. Since the secondary school, I was preparing to study at BHOS. I planned it being 10th grade student.
What kind of specialists do you see yourself in future?
I want to be a manager of some enterprise. As a graduate of BHOS I will be able to work as a software specialist at some foreign company.
Did you believe you could score high points?
My goal was to score 700 points. My sister scored 700 during the entrance examination. As I left examination hall, I realized that I accidentally made a mistake. Nevertheless, I believed I would manage it and I achieved my goal.