
BHOS established Young Engineers Club

Baku Higher Oil School established Young Engineers Club (YEC) that will be in charge of rendering support to pupils studying in the 7th÷11th grades in their further studies in engineering and search for engineering careers.

YEC will function within the structures of BHOS based on the material and technical support of BHOS, Human Resources Department and Training, Teaching and Certification Department of SOCAR and other relevant institutions.

To fulfill its responsibilities and mission, YEC will cooperate with relevant educational departments, secondary schools and lyceums.

YEC will have certain responsibilities such as raising students’ awareness of the importance and peculiarities of engineering specialty, motivating students to opt for engineering, introduce to students the techniques and technologies related petroleum, chemistry and mining sectors, machine building, energetics and automation during classes, as well as at workshops, labs and industrial premises, The club will also give the students information about various national and international projects SOCAR is implementing and about their economic and social value. Mentoring will also be a part of the club’s responsibilities. All these functions will be implemented through a number of methods and tools.

YEC is governed by the Governing Board composed of BHOS faculty members and employees of the Training, Education and Certification Department of SOCAR. In future, the Board will also include 3 BHOS students and one pupil from 7 secondary schools.

Engineering Circles composed of a teacher and 4 pupils have been established at secondary schools in order to represent the club and pursue its policies. Every student interested in engineering and wishing to have an engineering career should enroll in the circle of his/her school and become a club member. The member can take part in any activity organized by the club, as well as put forward any proposal he/she deems proper for improving the effectiveness of the activities. Membership can be terminated by oral notification made by the member to the manager of the circle.

To contact the club, please send your e-mails to or call (+99412)521-00-00 (33032).