
BHOS Celebrated International Labor Protection Day

BHOS held the meeting dedicated to the International Labor Protection Day. BHOS Vice-rector on General Affairs Rashad Hasanov, Vice-rector for Administrative and General Service Affairs Oktay Rzayev, Labor Protection, Security Techniques and Ecology Engineer Khanim Agasiyeva, psychologist Zarina Aliyeva, BHOS professors and other employees joined the above meeting.


Opening the meeting BHOS vice rector on general affairs Rashad Hasanov focused on the issue of labor protection saying that it had become a tradition to hold such events at BHOS. Talking about works carried out in the field of labor protection at BHOS Rashad Hasanov mention possession of ISO international certificate on labor protection and security technics management OHSAS 18001 by BHOS.    


Vice-rector for Administrative and General Service Affairs Oktay Rzayev stressed the awareness rising significance of all meetings held in connection with the international labor protection day. He informed the attendees on regulations and standards related to labor protection. 

Labor protection and security techniques, ecology engineer Khanim Agasiyeva made presentation on ‘Stress situation at workplace: collective challenge’. She mainly highlighted the causes of stress situation at workplaces, the illnesses stress entails, ensuring positive atmosphere at workplaces, the detrimental effect of stress for human health and activity.


 BHOS psychologist Zarina Aliyeva also made presentation on ‘Stress situation at workplace: collective challenge’ informing the participants on how stress affected human life from psychological point of view.


The meeting proceeded with broad view exchange on the topics mentioned above.