BHOS welcomes students parents
Bakı Ali Neft Məktəbində (BANM) “Proseslərin avtomatlaşdırılması mühəndisliyi” ixtisası üzrə təhsil alan I kurs tələbələrinin valideynləri ilə görüş keçirildi.
The meeting with the parents of BHOS first year students studying in process automation engineering programme was held at BHOS. Welcoming parents BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov said that meetings with students’ parents at BHOS turned to be a good tradition. Elaborating on ensuring higher education and students’ socialization at BHOS, BHOS rector underlined that the higher school was engaged in the process of students’ maturing emphasizing indispensable role of parents in this connection. Elmar Gasimov called parents to support BHOS policy in bringing up the students in the spirit of patriotism, educate them as highly qualified and disciplined specialists. BHOS rector also stressed the high level of conditions, education and training offered to students drawing attention of the parents to internship taken by students and measures realized by BHOS to provide the industry with professional and socialized specialists. Talking about internship Elmar Gasimov pointed out its role in formation of students’ future career being very supportive for them.
Parents were also informed about achievements of their children the challenges they faced, their psychological state. A number of issues were discussed and recommendations were given. Keklik Gozalova, head of English language and ID center, Manafaddin Namazov, head of process automation engineering department, and the lecturers of the said department, psychologist Zarina Aliyeva, Habiba Sadigli, head of students’ affairs department, shared their opinion regarding students’ adaptation to BHOS system, their social activities. They informed parents about students’ progress in this direction giving them necessary recommendations. Parents had opportunity to ask questions which flew in broad discussions. Then parents cordially thanked BHOS management for organization of such meeting and for conditions offered to their children convincing BHOS staff that they would always support every BHOS undertaking directed to the progress of their children.