Nezrin Hajizade: Success depends on efforts and education
Nezrin Hajizade was born August 30, 1997 in Baku. After completing her secondary education Nezrin was admitted to study in petroleum engineering programme at BHOS having gathered 690 points during the entrance examination held by the State Students’ Admission Commission (SSAC) for Academic year 2015/16. She is also the winner of the Presidential scholarship.
- How the entrance examination was held? What were your impressions before and after exam?
- The entrance examination was held very transparently and smoothly. Judging by the trial exams I ever took the only thing that might have caused the problem for me was time management. Bearing this in mind I experienced a kind of anxiety. While I was looking up in answer keys I discovered that I made a mistake in physics. Although being prepared to gather 700 I gathered 690 points however it pleased me very much.
- What about the trial exams? Did you believe you could gather high points during the entrance examination?
- The highest points that I ever gathered during trial exams organized by SSAC were 654. I was not happy with this result and I tried even harder within the 2 months prior to the entrance examination. My family and my teachers always supported me.
- What should be done by prospective students to gather more than 600 points? How specialization selection should be made?
- First of all one should set a goal. As it is said in well-known saying ‘no wind can help the ship to sail if it has no destination’. First of all prospective students should pay attention to time management as only three hours are given to each. So that it should be properly used. It is also important to consult with the experienced people while selecting specialization and your choice should meet current demands.
- Why did you select BHOS and this specialization and what kind of goals you’ve set?
- Engineering is considered to be priority field in our country and abroad. I believe BHOS is second to none amongst all universities in Azerbaijan in the field of engineering specialization. I followed advices of my family members and my teachers while selecting this specialization as well as my particular desire to be highly qualified specialist in future. In future I would like to continue Master degree education abroad in order to become advanced specialist in petroleum engineering.
- Traditionally technical sciences and engineering profession are associated with men. What do you think about that? How can you explain your interest in this field?
- It is true that men constitute the majority in engineering field however women’s success can also be traced. I think it does not matter if you are a woman or a man in case you want to be successful. Success depends on efforts and education, availability of talents, original and unbiased views with regards to developments.
- What would you advise to prospective students who wish to be admitted to BHOS?
- I would advise every prospective student willing to study at BHOS to be computer literate and improve their English language competence, especially speaking abilities. I would also advise them even though enjoying their leisure to stay away from all kind of things especially social nets that frustrate their attention. If they fail to achieve their goal they should try even harder living no room for hopelessness. It is also good to focus on such courses as history, literature, geography along with their specialization courses. Education at BHOS is distinguished with its contemporaneity, transparency and availability of a lot of practical works.
- What is your attitude towards humanitarian subjects?
- I like them very much. I always took interest in geography. I also love reading, especially historical works. However because of being overloaded with my assignments I have no time for reading.
- What aphorism would you express your goals?
- ‘Education is the best tool to change the world’