BHOS hosts training on practice of using eBook in EBSCO Discovery Service
Training on practice of using eBook in EBSCO Discovery Service was held for lecturers and students of BHOS. The training was conducted by Mrs. Iryna Krejcarova, EBSCO Czech-based office representative. Training included presentation which manifested practical use of eBooks as the integral part of scientific activity. Presentation also focused on technological aspects, functioning principles of information and search system of EBSCO Discovery Service. Iryna Krejcarova pointed out the significance and broad opportunities of the use of eBooks in everyday scientific activities and for scientific analysis of outcomes of any works carried out at BHOS.
In conclusion view exchange and question and answers session was held. It should be noted that the use of eBooks on the basis of such research platform as EBSCO Discovery Service serves for efficient realization of scientific activities by the users as the use of academic e-recourses in scientific activities provides scientific novelty and practical value of the work.