
BP vice president made presentation at BHOS

Robert Watt, BP safety and operational risk vice president made presentation on ‘Safety and Operational risks’ for BHOS students. Prior to presentation BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov touched upon cooperation existing between BHOS and international petroleum companies and BP. He made known that BHOS students systematically take internship at BP and they have opportunity to commence their future career at BP and other international companies. BHOS rector also emphasized the significance of such kind of presentations held at BHOS for students.


Robert Watt, BP safety and operational risk vice president informed the attendees about accidents that ever occurred in the history of petroleum industry. BP vice president talked about security measures taken by BP to prevent this kind of accidents. He also stressed the importance of duties and functions of engineers in prevention of the accidents. Robert Watt answered students’ questions. BHOS 150 students attended the above meeting.