
Receiving a Presidential Scholarship had long been one of my goals.

Amalya Aliyeva: 692.5 points

Major: Information Security

Amalya graduated with honors from Shaki City Physics-Mathematics and Humanitarian Lyceum

“Receiving a Presidential Scholarship had long been one of my goals. I had been thinking about becoming a surgeon until 8th grade. However, when we switched to distance learning, I understood more deeply the importance of technology and decided to pursue an IT career. But I hadn't yet decided which university and major to choose. When I studied in the 9th grade, I was looking for a university for my relative. That's when I got acquainted with BHOS. I was very impressed by the students' social activity and their achievements. Once I learned more about the specialty, my decision was fully formed. In the future, I want to become one of the most skilled professionals in my field. To this end, I intend to constantly develop myself and take advantage of all opportunities. I'm even thinking about starting a technology company that provides the highest level of cybersecurity.”