
It means a lot to me to be among the 102 most promising students in the country

Nazrin Miriyeva: 692.8 points

Major: Information Security

Nazrin graduated with honors from “Zekalar” lyceum No. 287 in Baku.

“Receiving the Presidential Scholarship is a great honor and achievement for me. It means a lot to me to be among the 102 most promising students in the country.

The main reason I chose BHOS is that it is the most prestigious higher education institution in the country. Lessons are conducted in English here, and this provides easier access to global knowledge. My sister also studies at Baku Higher Oil School.  She is in the third-year of her Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. Thanks to her experience, I learned about the quality of education here. I had been showing interest in IT, so I chose to major in Information Security. I have set a goal to continue my education at one of the ‘TOP’ universities in the future.

To achieve this goal, I work on improving my academic performance, developing my language skills, and I also participate in various events and volunteer programs”.