The year 2024 has become a very important and memorable one for the Baku Higher Oil School
Dear BHOS family,
*The year 2024 has become a very important and memorable one for the Baku Higher Oil School of SOCAR.
*We have maintained the high entrance exam results and even broken the record. Four BHOS specialties have entered the top 5 among universities in Azerbaijan in terms of the highest passing score.
*We had the highest passing score in groups I and II.
*BHOS has once again demonstrated the best results in the history of the country in terms of the highest passing score (687.1 points) and the highest average passing score (645 points).
*16 winners of International and Republican Subject Olympiads were admitted to BHOS out of competition.
*The admission plan was fulfilled 100 percent.
*The university conducted enrollment of students in the newly opened specialty "Computer Science".
*This year, BHOS has maintained a leading position in the number of Presidential scholars (33). Moreover, it has broken its own record. BHOS students constitute a third of Presidential scholars.
*The demand for our graduates has spread throughout the world. 35 of our graduates have participated in the State Program for the Education of Young People at Prestigious Higher Education Institutions in Foreign Countries in 2022-2026. BHOS graduates constituted 10 percent of those admitted to master's programs under the State Program.
This was the highest rate in the country for the proportion of our graduates.
*Our "BHOSWARE" team became the winner of TEKNOFEST-2024. It was awarded 1st place in the CTF competition held in the “Hackmasters” category at the Festival held in Antalya, Turkey.
*In addition, BHOS represented Azerbaijan at TECHNOFEST with the largest number of teams.
*Today, the vast majority of our graduates work for leading companies around the world, while some continue their studies under full scholarship programs. All of this is a source of great joy and pride for us.
*The material and technical base of our university, which iscelebrating its 13th anniversary this year, has been further strengthened, and new laboratories have been put into operation.
*The number of foreign students studying at BHOS doubled
*For the first time in the education system of Azerbaijan!We exported higher education programs abroad.
*BHOS started exporting higher education programs on a paid basis to the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute in Uzbekistan and implementing dual diploma program projects.
*As part of the Memorandum of Understanding on Training between the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the National Oil Company of Congo, eight Congolese young people enrolled in the Petroleum Engineering Program and the Chemical EngineeringProgram of Baku Higher Oil School.
*BHOS hosted three prestigious events as part of COP 29
*BHOS won the ideathon competition held as part of COP 29
*BHOS hosted the award ceremony for the 13th Republican Competition "Scientists of Tomorrow" and the 9th Inter-School Subject Competitions. It also hosted the 3rd Baku Science Olympiad.
*Two teams of Baku Higher Oil School won an investment of 200 thousand dollars at Baku Investment Day
*BHOS students scored the highest in the Master's exam
Any success is the result of hard work. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our success.
I heartily congratulate you and your family on the upcoming December 31 – Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year, and wish each of you good health, happiness and prosperity!
Happy holidays!
Best regards,
Rector of Baku Higher Oil School
Elmar Gasimov