BHOS representatives attends workshop
Associate professor and head of BHOS process automation engineering department Manafeddin Namazov, associate professor of the same department Naila Allahverdiyeva and lecturer Abbas Alili attended the scientific and methodological workshop meeting on information technologies at the State Students’ Admission Commission (SSAD). They participated at the above meeting as the experts. The workshop was also attended by representatives of other higher educational institutions. The view exchange on “Achievements and challenges in teaching information technologies course at the higher educational institutions” was held. Associate professor of BHOS process automation engineering department Naila Allahverdiyeva made presentation on “Achievements and experience of Baku Higher Oil School in teaching information technologies”.
Qeyd edək ki, Bakı Ali Neft Məktəbinin “Proseslərin avtomatlaşdırılması mühəndisliyi” kafedrasının müdiri, dosent Manafəddin Namazov, kafedranın dosenti Nailə Allahverdiyeva və kafedranın müəllimi Abbas Əlili TQDK-da “İnformatika” fənni üzrə ekspert kimi iştirak edirlər.