Baku Higher Oil School as one of three leaders
The edition of Azerbaijani Teacher newspaper dated November 7, 2015 contains information on the higher schools of Azerbaijan maintaining the lead position on the highest entrance scores. The edition also contains the details of the Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, Ilham Aliyev, on granting the Presidential scholarship to 102 students admitted to Higher Educational Institutions in academic year 2015/2016, as of September 14, 2015.
Baku Higher Oil School still maintains its leadership amongst higher schools of Azerbaijan. According to newspaper information BHOS is amongst three leaders. Thus 25 students of ADA University, 24 students of Azerbaijan Medical University, 17 students of Baku Higher Oil School, 9 students of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 6 students representing Baku State University, 4 students from Nakhchivan State University, 1 student from the University of Languages, 1 from the State Economic University and 1 student representing Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University were granted Presidential scholarship.
It should be reminded that out of students with 690-700 entrance score admitted to BHOS in Academic year 2015/16, 17 students were granted Presidential scholarship. Of them 9 students were admitted to Petroleum Engineering Programme, 5 students to Process Automation Engineering Programme and 3 students to Chemical Engineering Programme. Generally speaking 17 out of 25 students who won Presidential scholarship according to Specialization Group #1 are currently studying at BHOS.
The same number of winners of Presidential scholarship was admitted to BHOS previous year. Moreover, in academic year 2015/2016, the minimum entrance score to BHOS was 659 points, while the general average score constituted 676 points, which is the highest result among the national higher education institutions. The score indicators improved dynamically for all three specializations. A total of 3 students among the 7 students getting the highest 700 entrance scores in Specialization Group #1 were admitted to BHOS.