
It is an awesome responsibility to work with BHOS lecturers

Abilkhan Adilov was born July 30, 1988 in Salyan town. Between 1994-2005 years he studied at the secondary school named after G. Mayilov of Kursengi village and successfully graduated it. With 503 points gathered during entrance exams conducted by the State Students’ Admission Commission (SSAC) Abilkhan Adilov was admitted to electro-energetics (TEMPUS) specialization programme at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (currently Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University). He continued his education at Master level of the same specialization at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. Following military service in 2009-2010 Abilkhan Adilov improved his English language proficiency during the first year of Master education and then he was admitted to study at master level of Brandenburg Technical University (Power Engineering specialization) Germany. A. Adilov got a positive response to his request on financing his education abroad from Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic according to the state programme envisaged for 2007-2015 on education of Azerbaijani youth abroad. Thus his scholarship was approved. Abilkhan Adilov ceased his education at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in 2011 and started his education abroad according to the state program. In 2014 he finished his education and came back. Since February, 2015 A. Adilov has been working as a lecturer of BHOS Computer and ICT department.


- How did you come to think about education abroad?


- Even being undergraduate student I thought about the ways of mastering my specialization via learning experience of world leading specialists. This led me to idea of studying abroad. The state programme envisaged for 2007-2015 on education of Azerbaijani youth abroad which had just been launched rekindled my faith in ability to study abroad.


- What are the advantages of education abroad compared to local ones?


- The primary advantage is responsibility demonstrated by people with respect to their business. The other one is the breadth of database and English language proficiency of majority of people. Owing to these advantages specialists always stay current on global scientific innovations without obstacles. We should not rule out people’s demands and their high living conditions. One more advantage is that students approach their studies consciously and responsibly. Ability to voluntarily choose specialization and the courses of studies by students represents another advantage.


- Where did you start your first working activity? Do you remember your first salary?


- My first official work experience is connected with BP Exploitation. I do not remember the amount of my first salary I got then but I remember my first salary was spent very properly.


- How did you start working for BHOS? Could you tell us about your responsibilities?


- I learned about BHOS via website. Later thanks to gathered information I applied with job request there and met with BHOS management. Taking into consideration my presentation made in front of students and lecturers BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov appointed me as a lecturer. As a lecturer I take part in electricity oriented education process of students studying in process automation engineering programme.


- As a young lecturer what does responsibility of working with students and lecturers mean for you?


- From the point of delivering of my knowledge to students and working with experienced BHOS lecturers, this work is very honorable and responsible for me at the same time it keeps me constantly learning.