BHOS students visit refinery named after Haydar Aliyev
A group of BHOS second year students studying in petroleum engineering program visited SOCAR refinery named after Haydar Aliyev.
First of all BHOS students were instructed on security measures. Then Raqif Hajiyev, head of 2nd production and 21st primary oil processing installation, informed students in detail concerning control dimension equipment operating at primary oil processing. In addition, engineers and operators working for refinery’s various technological installations informed students about all technological installations dealing with transformation of crude oil into diverse products, the functions of assistant industrial units and compressors, technological regulations, process management, measures taken to protect health and security.
In frames of the visit students were able to familiarize themselves with various management and technology installations of refinery. It should be pointed out that the visit will continue on systematically till November. Thus, in the course of winter term of 2015/16 academic year in frames of “Processing industry A” and “Basics of Chemistry” courses it is expected to organize visits of 51 BHOS second year students studying in petroleum engineering programme and 50 students studying in chemical engineering programme to SOCAR refinery named after Haydar Aliyev. The visit will last 8 weeks and each students’ group will comprise 11-14 students.
The visits aim at familiarizing students with technological installations dealing with transformation of crude oil into diverse products, all processes going on at the refinery, technological regulations, process management, measures taken to protect health and security. This enables students to connect theoretical knowledge they gain during studies with production.