
BHOS Associate Professor visits University of Ruse

Leyla Muradkhanli, associate professor at the Process Automation Engineering Department of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS), has made a business trip to the “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse in Bulgaria as part of the Erasmus+ project.

During the visit, Leyla Muradkhanli got acquainted with the organization of classes at the University of Ruse, admission rules for different levels of education, laboratories where teaching and research work is carried out. She also participated in various business meetings held as part of her visit. Leyla Muradkhanli made a presentation on BHOS, specialties taught at the university and organization of the educational process at BHOS for the faculty of the University of Ruse. Additionally, she conducted a seminar on "Machine learning methods and object recognition" for employees of the Automation and Mechatronics Department.

The associate professor took part in the Youth Innovation Exhibition organized by the Student Scientific and Technical Electronics Laboratory and the Electronics Department at the University of Ruse, where she got acquainted with the research work of students.

Also, as part of her visit, discussions were held with the faculty of the Automation and Mechatronics Department on the implementation of the new master's degree program of the Process Automation Engineering Department and joint projects.

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