
BHOS Students to Visit Switzerland, Romania and Turkey

Four second year students of BHOS Emin Balashov, Jamal Ahmadov, Murad Ismayilov, Kamran Rzayev have gained the opportunity to visit Switzerland, Romania and Turkey during one week in frames of participation in SOCAR Summer School 2015. Divided into 7 teams participants of SOCAR Summer School project competed in games, competitions, presentation making and training offered by project organizers within 10 days. As Summer School drew to close team-winners were selected according to the results. One week trip to Switzerland, Romania and Turkey will be organized for teams taking first, second and third places. Participant of the team taking first place BHOS student on petroleum engineering Jamal Ahmadov will visit Switzerland, participant of the team taking second place BHOS student on process automation engineering Kamran Rzayev will visit Romania and participant of the team taking third place BHOS students on chemistry engineering Murad Ismayilov and Emin Balashov will visit Turkey.